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The GW Ron and Joy Paul Kidney Center and GW Transplant Institute present a video on the "Causes of Kidney Disease" with J. Keith Melancon, MD, Chief of the Division of Transplant Surgery, Director of the Transplant Institute, GW Hospital, Professor of Surgery.
GW Ron and Joy Paul Kidney Center and GW Transplant Institute present a video on "What Happens at a Kidney Screening" with J. Keith Melancon, MD, Chief of the Division of Transplant Surgery, Director of the Transplant Institute, GW Hospital, Professor of Surgery.
GW Ron and Joy Paul Kidney Center and GW Transplant Institute present a video to "Learn the Symptoms of Kidney Disease" with J. Keith Melancon, MD, Chief of the Division of Transplant Surgery, Director of the Transplant Institute, GW Hospital, Professor of Surgery
According to the Centers for Disease Control, one in three American adults is at risk for kidney disease. Some minority populations are at increased risk – Black Americans are 3 times more likely and Hispanics are 1½ times more likely to have kidney failure compared to White Americans.
Trenin Jones waited patiently for the blood pressure cuff around his arm to expand. He hadn’t had his pressure checked in a while, he said, but he wanted to “gauge where he was.” His result: high blood pressure.
The kidney center will be established at George Washington University thanks to a $2.5 million gift from the Ron and Joy Paul Family Foundation. The foundation was created by Ron Paul, chair and co-founder of EagleBank, and his wife, Joy Paul, a social worker in private practice. Mr. Paul, a two-…
GW will launch a new kidney center, thanks to a $2.5 million gift.
Banker and developer Ron Paul is donating $2.5 million to George Washington University Hospital to help fund kidney research and awareness programs.
When people think of George Washington University Hospitals, officials want them to think kidneys. More specifically, they want patients to think of the hospital as the place to go to fix the most complex of medical conditions.